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Need witty peoples help.
Here's my story.
Earlier in my school year I dated this boy. Let's say his name is Nick. So Nick and I were like...madly in love...or I was with him anyways. He is one of those "bad boys" you know, known as a player. And the longest girlfriend he had had before I came along was two weeks, well with me it was three months. So him and I are fine, but everyone knows when your in a relationship...rumors start spreading about cheating and things. So I was told he was cheating on me with this older girl...like he had been kissing her at a football game the night I was with him. Okay so, I didn't believe any of, cause, you know I was his girlfriend. The rumors went away for a week or two and then I started to hear other things, like he wasn't...totally sure he liked me anymore. SO, I broke up with him. About two weeks later in December, this other boy who is my best friend, we'll say his name is Jacob...got dumped by his girlfriend and started crushing on my other best friend Toria, and Toria doesn't like him, so I just told Jacob to move on, I don't wanna see him hurt. Me and Jacob began talking more and more and eventually got together. We have stayed together, until In March, when he decided to leave me for another girl. She got him for about five days realized he was'nt what she wanted, and dumped him like he dumped me. I told him what goes around comes around. He still came crawling back and I took him back. It's summer time now, and I won't get to see him, and I am totally scared he will fall for someone else.  Now, Nick is trying to get me back, and I still tell Nick everything. Jacob is growing distant, because of his lack of phone service and I can't ever talk  to him. I think it's causing Jacob pain and me too. What should I do? Nick and Jacob both know I love them both...tell me WITTY, WHAT DO YOU THINK??
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Need witty peoples help. Here's my story. Earlier in my

0 faves · 2 comments · May 21, 2012 11:48am






ily44forever · 1 decade ago
Thanks:) that helps a lot:) its just hard, ya know?
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LinaBinaBaeStories · 1 decade ago
You should get back with Nick, because if he likes you that much to still hang around you, and you trust him, its him you should be with. Trust is what keeps a relationship going. If Jacob really is in pain for not seeing you for very long, you should wait until he comes back, then make your decision. I mean, if Jacob comes back, and is still distant go for Nick. He will most likely stay with you since you two have been through so much together. As friends, and as boyfriend and girlfriend.
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