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 Just another Teenage love story

Chapter 2:
 "What's the news?" I asked glancing at each one of the four faces in the room.
My mother was sat next to her husband. Who, I swear, hates me, or at least dislikes me.  
My brother, Liam, and I were from my mothers previous marriage.  But she and her new husband, George, got married four years ago, when she fell pregnant with my little sister,  Ami, who was just swinging around on her chair.
"Well, Blaire, your father-"
"Step father," I corrected,
"Has been promoted, to a job in California," She announced.
California?  Where was she going with this?
"And I have to move to California,"  George finished.
Yes, he was leaving, going away, just like I hoped, but when I looked to my mother she seemed too happy.
"And so are we!" she exclaimed in excitement. 
"What ? When was this decided!" I raged.
I'm not moving, this, this is my home, since I was brought home from the hospital. My life was here.
"Well,  George got the promotion a few months back and we were planning it all out since then and now we're ready to go!"
"When exactly is now?"  I asked
"We have two days to pack up," Mother said with a smile on her face, leaning into George.
"What the HELL!!!!" I screamed,  
Ami gasped, "Momma she swore!!"  
"I said hell,  now what the f///ck!!" I  stomped closer,  "I am soooo not leaving! This is my home, I have friends, a life!"
"You can start a new, different life!" George grinned,
"Why, why would a want a new life? Who do you think you are, waltzing into my life and changing  it?" I  said, shoving George, "we we were better off without you!" I screamed.
"It's already decided!" he shouted back,
"Ahhh!" I screamed, whilst whipping around and headed  for my room, to cry, to scream, to smash my room to pieces.
By morning all the photoframes were shattered and so was my life, I was leaving, going all the way to California.
I'll be the new girl, the loner , in summer.  
My friends will forget me and a couple of days, i'll be gone.

Any feedback would be awesome, and if you would like to be notified for the next chapter, please let me know :D 



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Just another Teenage love story Chapter 2: "What's the

7 faves · Apr 28, 2012 2:49pm






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