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How we met

I've known him awhile, most of my school-life. His brother, Levi, is a year younger than me, my brother a year younger than Levi. Levi and Ryan played baseball together and we interacted every now and again.

One day, with the high school band director, a bunch of us went on a trip to Music On the March, in Dubuque, Iowa. He went, along with his girlfriend, another boy in their grade he didn't like, a girl a year older than me, and two sophomore girls. We flirted all day that day and I admitted to his girlfriend-whom I was good friends with-that I liked him. She said she knew this already. She flirted with the boy he didn't like-Garrett. Garrett was funny and I didn't see what was wrong with him.

Later that day, I sat across from him at lunch at Pizza Ranch and walked around Hot Topic with him when we all went to the mall. When we got to the performance, I had to let him out of the burb and I decided to stand with him. (He hurt his ankle and couldn't walk far so everyone else went to park finding it pointless for me to get back in.) We talked about his little sister, a third-grader at the time, Ryan and Levi's baseball teams, and me buying his car. On the way home, he let me rest my feet on his lap.

This was the day I fell for him <3

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7 faves · 1 comments · Apr 12, 2012 12:33pm






hobowithasticker · 1 decade ago
awww! I live in Iowa btw(;
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