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This was probably going to be the last time I go there. I needed to go there. Didn't I?
Brett might have Nick's body...and there might still be hope for Josh to be alive...but then again, that's just hope.
There were parts of me telling me that I should forget Josh and admit the fact that he might be dead. But there is hope, never forget the hope; the hope you can cling onto as the only hope left in this hopeless world. Am I even making sense?
Dylan nodded. "Alright, let's go outside-" He paused and then looked at me, concerned. "Brett probably took the car we came in, when we ran away from Dad's house..." Dylan's voice faded off, and then he was standing in the middle of the room, staring at the floor.
"What's wrong?" I asked, calmly but at the same time, feeling a bit inquiring.
"Are there any cars in your garage or something? Do you own any cars?" He raised his eyebrow.
I nodded my head. "Erh...Yeah.." Come to think of it, Josh had a car, and so did Nick, and the other workers too. "Yeah, there are a few of them, parked in the backside of this building,"
"Perfect," Dylan grabbed my wrist and slowly dragged me to the backside of this house. His clutch was pretty hard and harsh on my wrist, and I couldn't help but move my clamped hand around frantically, to tell him I was struggling in his grip.
"You might wanna let go," I whispered. Dylan stopped to look at me, and then he slowly tilted his head to the side. "My hand," I said. "You might wanna let go of my hand," I repeated.
Dylan's strong grasp loosened, and immediately, I pulled my arm away, to hold on to it. There were red marks left on where he once clenched his paws into.
"Sorry," He croaked out and then slowly headed towards the black, sleek car Mercedes-benz. That was Josh's car.
"Thats Jos-" I paused, there was no point of explaining to Dylan about how this was Josh's car, and how Josh didn't like people touching it.
But Dylan would probably think I'm mad, and tell me that, Josh is dead, and he was pretty sure that a dead man wouldn't mind us riding in his car.
But it would still hurt me to see someone else in Josh's car. Whether he was dead or not.
I stared at Dylan, who was already starting to adjust the cars' side mirrors. His eyes quickly flashed at me. "Do you know where the keys are?" He asked.
I nod my head and then quickly head back in to the house, to grab the keys, which were in their normal place, in the kitchen, on top of the microwave oven.
I laughed as soon as I picked the keys, that were all chained together. It brought back old memories...
"Why do you keep your keys on top of the microwave oven?" I asked Josh, as he sat on the sofa, while watching a movie, and scoffing on the popcorn as well as taking slow sips of coke.
"Whats is to you?" He grumbled and then turned the TV off, walking right past me.
I looked at him, curiously. "Just wondering..." A sigh escaped my mouth.
Josh took a bottle of cold water out from the fridge and then drank the refreshing liquid, letting it run down his throat, quenching his thirst after chewing on dry popcorn. "Whatever," He ignored me and then quickly grabbed his keys off the microwave oven.
I rolled my eyes and took a seat on the chair right beside me.
Josh smirked and then made his goofy face. "I keep them there for a reason, Dimbo," Dimbo? I think he meant Dumbo...
Josh relaxed his muscles. "Because when I see my keys on the microwave oven, it reminds me I have to go outside, and buy pizza," He started to laugh at his words.
I raised my eyebrows, and then laughed with him. "No," I paused. "Be serious,"
Josh narrowed his eyes, while lightly shaking his head. "And why do you care about where people put their keys?" He chuckled, and then he slapped me lightly on the head, as I giggled.
"Just wondering..." I finished with a whisper...

Josh. The boy that was my guardian, my protector, curator, trustee, supervisor, defender, my everything.
I shook my head lightly and then mumbled his name while walking back to Dylan with the keys. "Here," I whispered.
Dylan squinted his eyes at me; he lifted his chin, and then let the soft words out "What's wrong?"
I shake my head and get into the car, quietly. Dylan gets confused, and just shrugs before getting inside the car himself and driving off back to Sirois Mandeth's place.
There is this feeling of guilt inside me as well as fear. What if I'm falling into some sort of trap? What if it is all a trap?...A trap made by Brett?
What if Brett and Sirois have all planned this? And are watching and waiting right at this moment, laughing at how easily their prey was coming to them.
Dylan looks at me for a second. "We're nearly there, just a few more minutes," And he was right; we were right outside Sirois Mandeth's house.
So close. But all seemingly a plan. A trick. Is this what Sirois wants?
I shake my head and then quickly get out of the car; my eyes observing my surroundings quickly and cautiously. "Finally," The words from my mouth are released into a sigh.
Dylan puts his arm around my waist, comforting me and then leading me inside the house.
I was scared. But even more scared when I saw a familiar yellow eyed, black hair boy standing at the entrance of the door.
A boy who looked like Josh.

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Unknown. 24 This was probably going to be the last time I go

30 faves · Apr 11, 2012 3:03pm






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