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I'm going on a big field trip to Ghettysburg with my school this May. I already have my room picked out, it's me, one of my friends, my bestie, and a girl she's friends with. I'm not that close to the girl my bestie is bringing though. She's super nice and pretty. We've been to a few sleepovers together, and alot of our friends say we have the same personalities. Last friday, at my school dance, i convinced her to come with me to tell the guy my bestie likes, to ask her (my bestie) to dance. So the two of us went to him, and he was just standing next to the guy I like. The four of us talked for a while, and we told the guy my other friend liked, that he should ask her to slow dance.
        [Ok, so now here's where I need to explain. The guy my bestie likes, was talking to the guy that I like, who I HAD been best friends with since kindergarten. KINDERGARTEN!!!!!! But then last year this girl i was friends with just dumped me, and I pushed everyone that was important,  AWAY (meaning him) because i was so hurt and confused. So i lost him, and when we tried to recover, it was awkward and we didn't actually end up recovering because we both had craazy schedules, but we're making plans to see each other soon :) <3333333 Ok, so back to the topic. The guy my bestie likes, has a best friend, that likes my bestie. So it's this gigantic mess and everything is flying around my brain, and i feel like I could like pass out.]
          And then, he's like "Well, idk" and then the guy i like convinced him to ask her, and me and the other girl hugged each other and did a stupid victory dance. A few minutes later, we were looking for the guys again, and she told me she like the other guy (the one that i like). I'm so confused and idk if i should tell her or not, and we're gonna be in the same room for the trip.... ah!! help!

I know no one probably read through this, but if you did, please help, I NEED advice.
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So... I'm going on a big field trip to Ghettysburg with my

6 faves · 4 comments · Apr 6, 2012 10:04pm






gopink609 · 1 decade ago
I actually have a problem like this with her to. She still kind of likes the guy that I super like, so I am not planning on telling her who I like. But I think you should tell her because you have liked him for forever. Yeah, I am being a hypocrite but oh we'll.
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InYourWildestDreams · 1 decade ago
welll... i wouldn't bring it up on purpose, but if she specifically asks you i would just be honest. she may be a little p*ssed off, but who wouldn't? i don't think it would jeopardize a potential friendship with her, but it might be a little awkward to talk about. i'm sorry your stuck in this :c but im not EVER going to forget what you did for me bestie<3 it was the sweetest thing, and im definitely gonna return the favor asap.. well, with your permission of course
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drizzyyo · 1 decade ago
tell herr !
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dancingismylife213 · 1 decade ago
heehee i read it bcuz i am bored lol. okay soo yeah i think you should tell her! she's cool, i don't think she would care. it would give you guys something to talk about! she's not the type of girl to care about that i don't think... exept when we were playing kill, f*ck, marry and i killed her old crush she was annoyed, but she was kidding i hope lol. there were like 3 of our friends that liked the same guy to ! lol. my crush is that random person that isn't even that cute and none of you guys even know what he looks like probably lol
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