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Only On Witty:

Is asdfghjkl and adjective

do NMF and NMQ have a meaning

can girls go to complete strangers for help and support on any problem

can girls be and express themselves and not be judged

can girls escape the world and have some privacy

can girls go look at quotes according to their moods

can girls do/say the things they wouldnt be able to anywhere else

is 'faves' one of the most commonly used words

almost everyone is your best friend, whether you know them or not

girls stand up for each other no matter what

is everyone and anyone accepted

can we be who we realy are, not how society wants us to be

are there quotes about periods everywhere

can girls be girls in every way

is 'him' is a total man lady of the night ;)

do awkward moments dominate

is 'jocked' and actual word

is Steve king of the world

can lives be saved and advice given

do girls get addicted faster than crack

are formats amazing ♥♥

are there any and every type of girl imaginable all together in one place

can girls be themselves without being judged

where girls become conversation geniuses in reality

do girls wish they could live in the internet

and it's all thanks to Steve

so keep it great ♥♥

oh, btw reposting from my other account.....NMF ;)
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Only On Witty: Is asdfghjkl and adjective do NMF and NMQ have

9 faves · Mar 17, 2012 9:14pm






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