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A Change Of Mind
part 4

After spending the entire afternoon with anthony we learned alot about each other. I found out he moved her recently from Massachusets. Hes italian and russian, which he thought was a weird combination and he has a younger sister (Marina) and an older brother (Dominic, 17). His parents are happily married. Hes a sophmore. He told me all about how he really likes sports but snowboardings his one main love. Hes got a dog named Max, his sister has two gold fish which he doesnt really count as a pet. I told him about cheer and basically my whole life. We promised each other we would get together during the break so i could show him some of the places most of the guys hang out, i told him about cole and shawn and he would tell me about his girlfriend he had back home. They promised each other they would try their hardest to stay together long distance but he told me how he wasent so convinced she would be faithful. I told him i would make sure he had friends and wasent alone and that he could talk to me whenever. Before i even know it it was 6:!5 and my phone was ringing, i looked at my phone and saw a text from my mom telling me to start heading home or i would miss dinner. "sorry " i began to laugh "hey man its all good " i continued reading which was just my mom hitting some random keys in her attempt to text, "better see if the buses are still here, sorry this wasent much of a tour" i said making my way over to the steps " i can give you a ride if you want" " are you sure?" he nodded
"it would be my pleasure" i lead him over to my locker and got my jacket out within minutes his mom was here, she pulled up in a black bmw and she was gorgues man, she had long blonde hair cystal blue eyes and a killer body, i could tell where he got his looks from. She made convorsation and asked me my adress the  entire ride home. I could honestly say she was nicer than a majority of my *friends* "well this is it " i said as the slowly proceeded down my block "thank you soo much!" she chuckled and anothy smiled " anytime sweetheart"

i think well take a look into anthonys head next chapter
oh and hey julia (;

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A Change Of Mind 19 part 4 After spending the entire afternoon

0 faves · Mar 5, 2012 5:07pm




