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A Change Of Mind
part 3

I heard footsteps follow behind me. "wait" i heard his voice and turned around "look im sorry but i rea-" he cut me off midsentace putting his hand out, " at least give me you phone" i was heasitent but i handded the boy my phone. After about a minute he threw it back to me,"i added my number and texted myself" i looked at him confused "well you didnt think i would let you go that quickly did you?" i laughed a little bit " i u-uh i gotta go" i turned on my heel and began walking around " i see you around!" he screamed out behind me. i walked over to vinnys car and opened the door to the front seat, i saw donny sitting there so i moved over to the back seat door, which i opened and to my surprise i saw shawn and cole sitting right there. gee how wonderful. i shut the door right away and walked away from the car. i felt a vibrte in my bag and checked it "get another ride jacks" i watched from the curb as my brothers call pulled a way, no way i was gonna sit with cole and shawn in that little space. " so your back?" i looked over to anthony "how about that tour?" and with that we walked off.

sorry its short  but its just a transition chapter

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A Change Of Mind 19 part 3 I heard footsteps follow behind me.

0 faves · Mar 5, 2012 4:48pm




