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What do you know about him?

Everything. I know his favorite color is blue. I know his birthday is April 20, 1997. I know his best friends are Matt and Danny, and sometimes Liam or Brian. I know his eyes are a deep brown, and reflect the tiniest bit of light when he looks at you. That they hold more care and love than I will ever know. I know his voice sounds odd to strangers, but to me it's the most comforting sound in the world. I know it gets deeper and more soulful when he sings, especially if he loves the song. I know he knows thousands of songs, from both millenia that he's been alive in. I know he used to look like Harry Potter, but got a much needed haircut in the sixth grade, and contacts in probably the eighth. I know he loves making people laugh at all costs. I know he thinks laughter is truly the best medicine, except maybe medical marijuana (that's a joke). I know he loves his friends and family more than anything in the world. I know he tries so hard to fall in love with the right girl, but he never does. I know he's too good for any of the stupid, oblivious girls he falls for. I know a part of him fades with every new girl he gets with. I know he could run forever if he wouldn't run out of air eventually. I know he plays right field in the summer season of the town baseball league. I know he's too embarrassed to admit that he wants to be good in school, and tries hard. I know he tells his little sister alot of stuff, even though he complains about her frequently. I know everything he does, he does with heart. I know he doesn't let it get to him when people tease him about his voice or his sense of humor or his way of speaking. I know he absolutely loves perverted jokes, mostly That's What She Said. I know he is one of the most well-liked kids I've met, by the few people who know the real him. I know he is a great friend, and an even better best friend. That's about it, really.

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What do you know about him?Everything. I know his favorite color

2 faves · Feb 24, 2012 9:56pm






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