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Slipping Away

Chapter 1

"Hey, Penny." I heard Maddie say cheerily.
I turned towards the voice, "Hey, Mads."
"What's up?"
"Uhhh...not much."
"Do you wanna do something today?"
"I-I can't, sorry."
"I...I promised my mom I would babysit the twins."
"That's okay, I'll come along."
"No, really. You can't."
"Hey, P!" I heard a cheery voice call. 
I turned toward the voice, the cheerleaders.
"Hey Viv!" I called back.
Then I turned back to Maddie, "Hey, I gotta go. Bye Mads."
"Wait," Maddie said, "Why do you have a cheerleader nickname?"
"The cheerleaders, they always call each other by their nicknames...when do they ever talk to you?"
"It's no big deal, I gotta go."  I said as I hurridly grabbed my duffle bag with my cheer uniform in it, and ran off.
I ran around the building and into the gym from the far entrence. I walked into the girl's varsity locker room. Everyone else was already there, of course I had to be late because of Maddie.
"Hey, guys, sorry I'm late." I said as I hurried to change.
"Pen, what's up?" Vivian, head cheerleader, asked.
"Whatdya mean?"
"Who was the nerdy girl you were talking to?"
"Oh, that's this girl named Madison."
"Oh." Vivian said with disgust.
Then we all walked out to practice. 


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Slipping Away Chapter 1 "Hey, Penny." I heard Maddie

5 faves · Feb 18, 2012 1:18am






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