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ok witty sisters and witty guys i need help like now!

my friend wants to kill himself and i told him to think of other ways so let his feelings and stuff out that isn't killing himself or self harming himself 

i need some ideas can you guy please help me! 

please guys if you could also favorite this so he knows people do care about him and stuff please i sont want him to kill himself 
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ok witty sisters and witty guys i need help like now! my friend

15 faves · 5 comments · Feb 16, 2012 6:05pm






evey · 1 decade ago
is this really true xx
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karabearxo · 1 decade ago
Okay, so I really think you should call the Suicide Hotline, or something to get some help if he's really really serious, about to do it. Remind him of the things that made him happy, all the people who'd be upset if he was gone. And if he's looking at this, dude, please, please, please do not hurt yourself. You've got people here for you and that love you.
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suicideemo14 · 1 decade ago
Tell himm this, from a girl named Katie " Bro, don't kill yourself. I don;t know you, But Think of all the good things in life, think of the future, who your going to love, who your going to have kids with! don;t you want a family? Listin i've tried killing myself too, I cut almost everyday, But you know what, If you kill yourself imagiane all the people who will be devastated that your gone? Your death may cause another one, and another one. the list may go on. I got help from my guidence counclier in school. She did help me, If it's family your having trouble with, Move out. tell them your going to stay with anoter family memer or a close friend for awhile just to get away from things. Talk to someone you really trust.. You need a guardian, an adult, not a friend. You need to think on how bad all your friends, family.. will be without you there.. Just THINK. DONT DO IT.. Best wishess bro<3 xo " <--------Give thaat message to him from me " Katie " (:
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MelodyGibson · 1 decade ago
Hey man..... We care! Tell him that we love him and that he hasnt fullfilled his porpose yet.
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realbabywhatsup · 1 decade ago
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