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If you honestly think I cut because I'm "emo" or "seeking attention", you are so utterly wrong. If I wanted attention I would cut infront of a bunch of people then flaunt the scars like they were trophies. Also, being "emo" has nothing to do with someone cutting, just to clarify that. 
But, don't try and put reasons behind my scars. You don't know the real ones. You don't know why I cut. You want to know my actual reasons behind cutting?
-I have bad anxiety attacks sometimes.
-I have depression.
-I want to feel different pain other than the current pain I'm going through.
-I don't know how to handle things sometimes.
-I'm addicted to it.
-It's a stress releaver.

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If you honestly think I cut because I'm "emo" or

5 faves · 1 comments · Feb 15, 2012 1:32am






DeadlyxXxMemories · 1 decade ago
I know exactly how you feel. I also hate when people use the excuse "im depressed", "imma kill myself" in order to make there problems seem bigger then they are. Its not like those who are in fact depressed and suicidal are fighting everyday to stay alive. If you ever need me, post on my wall, and we can talk[:
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