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WarrenChapter 10
The grasp of their hands made me shriek. Their nails went into my skin. I started to cry but this time I wasn't crying over Warren. I was screaming but no one could hear me. Who was it? I couldn't see the face because my vision was going blurred. I did see one thing though, blood. It was eveywhere I looked. I felt a sharp pain come to my leg. I'd been stabbed. I covered it with my hands and tried to kick the person dragging me. I saw blood marks left on the floor. The marble floors had blood tracks on them, my blood tracks. I gasped biting their hand. The grasp on my waist loosed some. I kicked them in the crouch and ran outside. I looked back after I'd made it to the beach to see who it was. I saw two figures dressed in grey running from my house. One of them pointed my way, and they came for me. I ran but I was getting slower and slower. My vision weaker and weaker.I was having flash backs of Warren and me, my life, everything. What I would leave behind if this was my last night to live. I feel to my knees and saw the blood come out of my knee. It stained my bikini and I could almost see the bone. It was deep. I turned my head and saw them getting closer and closer until, at last......they had me again....for the second time....and then.....my vison blurred, I was dizzy, and my eyes closed.

by jimmy365
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Warren♥ Chapter 10 The grasp of their hands made me shriek.

5 faves · Feb 12, 2012 12:07am






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