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      And it was so that Berroe had won the Hunger Games. The Hovercraft finally came for her and carried her off back to the Capitol. There, her prep team donned her in elegant dresses and fixed her up all nice and pretty. Her fame spread across the land as all victors’ do. The crowd loved the idea of having one class, and this Hunger Games had been one of the most entertaining. But Berroe and the tributes families thought otherwise. Berroe hadn’t truly gotten over that quickly her friends deaths. But she knew that they were happier. And waiting for her
       She would never forget them her entire life. But something wasn’t right. Aitor and Sanders never returned home. But Berroe had no strength to worry about that now. She needed to rest. But her dreams were all about her friends. But they were good dreams. Berroe loved them all still. Nelb. Dugan. Albin. Beo. Iris. Mido. Vida. Gera. Aster.Havana. Ginia. Ara. Pan. Tyton. Hedda. Beena. Melina. Milah. Plex. Masse. Aero. Katia…and Grase…
                                         THE END.

WEll thats it! please tell me what thought. What was your favorite part? If Berroe didnt win, who would you want to?! Any favorite tribute? PLEASE comment, I love them! And Thank you to all my readers. P.S There might be a sequel!
                                                    -Gabby/ Katia ;-)
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IF I LIVED THE HUNGER GAMES: EPILOGUE: And it was so that Berroe

4 faves · 4 comments · Feb 4, 2012 10:30am






Kiah Papaya* · 1 decade ago
i miss writing this...
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singlikeyouknowthewords · 1 decade ago
Loved it!!!!!!!!
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bookgrrl97 · 1 decade ago
so did NOT expect that..but loved it still..My favorite part was when they were all there with berroe..and if berroe hadn't won i would have wanted katia to
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lynskywalker · 1 decade ago
i love it <3 i thought katia would win or aero so it was a big shock when berroe did but that made it better :)
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