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Chapter 8
Tyler and I didn't finish our surfing lesson, however. Instead we sat on the edge of the boardwalk for a while. Then when we saw the boys leaving Louie's we jumped into the sand and ran into the water. We splashed each other and he tackled me a couple times. Then, as the sky turned orange, we got some ice cream and walked down the boardwalk. Once we finished our ice cream we watched as the sun sunk down into the waves.
He turned to me, "Olivia?"
I gazed up into his gorgeous dark eyes, "Yes?" I whispered.
He didn't say anything for a long time, then he whispered, "I don't want to ever lose you."
I looked at him, afraid to tell him that someday, someday soon, he would lose me. Possibly forever. It was then that I realized I didn't have much time, I needed to tell him all the things he would need to know. Need to know to find me, if he even cared. 
"What's wrong?" He whispered, concerned. 
I realized then that I was crying, I hadn't even felt it.
"Olivia? Olivia, are you alright?"
I just nodded, afraid to speak. 
He pulled me in close, as close to his heart as he could get, "Everything's going to be okay." He whispered. 
That's when I really started to cry. I couldn't help myself, these tears had been welled up inside me for a long time. As I sobbed he didn't say anything, he just held me in close, gently rubbing my back. I just stood there and cried, I cried for a long time. I couldn't believe I was going to lose him, there was something I had to do. He was the one person in this wold that I could trust. Now, I had to trust him to do what it takes to find me, when he needs to. I couldn't just leave, not until I was certain he would find me again. I knew it wasn't up to me, but I could hope. Hope that he would know what to do, and where to look when I was gone. It was then, that I realized, I could trust him. Trust him enough to know what to do. To do what it takes. I felt connected to him, in a family way. As if, he was my brother. 

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Broken Chapter 8 Tyler and I didn't finish our surfing lesson,

6 faves · Jan 16, 2012 10:40pm






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