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Chapter 7
I was laying on the beach, trying to tan my hideously pale body, when someone's shadow stepped in front of my sun. I looked up, a little peeved off, right into Tyler's face. He was staring down at me, surf board under his right arm and a huge grin on his face. I tilted my sun glasses down and said, "Tyler? You're blocking the sun."
He smiled and sat down next to me, "Sorry, hey you wanna know what we're doing today?"
I looked at him, guessing it had something to do with the surf board, I pointed to it, "I'm not riding that thing, if that's what you're thinking."
His smile broadened, "Of course you are." 
He grabbed my wrist and pulled me up, and dragged me towards the waves. 
"It's easy." He said, "All you have to do is stand on it, and don't fall off."
"It can't be that easy." I retorted.
He just looked at me, grinning. 
"What do I do if I fall off?"
"Just get back up and try again."
I looked at him, as if to say, you can't seriously think I'm going to surf.
He laughed, "You're not leaving the beach today, until you get on that board."
Finally I gave in and decided I might as well try it. Who knows, I could be pretty good. I was wrong. I sucked. I fell off everytime, and everytime I hit the water I could hear Tyler laughing. He finally let me take a break and we went to Louie's for some pizza and milkshakes. As we sat there eating and talking, about nothing in particular, Tyler asked, "Olivia? What did you mean when you said I would need to find you some day?"
I looked at him, choking a little. He waited. Once I stopped chocking I asked, "What do you mean?"
"You said I would need the little things you tell me, to find you. When will I need to find you? I've already found you."
I thought for a minute, "You never know, Tyler. You may loose me someday and that might be the only way to find me again."
We sat in silence for a minute, questioning. Finally he said, "I don't plan on ever loosing you, Olivia."
I looked at him and sighed, "Those things are never planned. That's my point."
He looked at me, with a confused look on his face. I just shook my head, as if to say don't worry about it. A couple minutes later Jason, Kellan and Carter came in for some pizza. When they saw us there they sat down at our booth, squishing us into the corners. 
"So Ty, you and mystery girl, huh?" Jason said jokingly.
"Lay off man." Tyler said.
 "So mystery girl, when do we get let in on the big secret?" Kellan said slyly. 
I looked at him, confused. 
"What's your name? When do we get to know?"
I looked at them, "Tyler didn't tell you?" I said glancing at Tyler.
"Nope." Said Jason, "But I'd like to know."
I looked at Tyler questioningly. 
He just responded with, "I told you I could keep a secret."
"Yeah, but I thought you'd tell them...maybe not Ricky, but at least the others. Why didn't you tell them?"
"Yeah, why didn't you tell us?" Asked Jason.
Tyler sighed, "I didn't tell you because the only way I got to know her name was after I promised I wouldn't tell."
Everyone looked at me, then at Tyler, then back at me. I sat there uncomfortably. 
Kellan said, "So girly, why don't you want us to know who you are?"
I looked at him, the said, "I don't care if you know my name, my name is Olivia."
Jason said, "Ooohh Oliviaaa."
I looked at him, shooting him a threatening look, "You know my name, not my story."
Jason replied, "That's okay, I like a girl that's feisty."
I just looked at him, with a sort of daring look on my face and a smirk. 
Tyler, seeing the look on my face and not knowing what was going to happen said, "Jason, back down." Then he looked at me and said, "Sorry to break up the party guys, but we've gotta get going. We have a surfing lesson to finish." He said this with a smile dancing at the corners of his mouth.
We pushed past the other boys and walked down to the beach. 

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Broken Chapter 7 I was laying on the beach, trying to tan my

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