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Chapter 1
I pushed my toes into the cool sand, while the soft breeze blew my hair back. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath of salty cool summer air. For a minute I was all alone, in my own world with no one there to remind me of what I had run away from. For once in my life, I was happy. Nobody could tell me I was wrong, nothing could hurt me. I was finally free. 
"What's a pretty thing like you doing here all alone?" Said a male voice.
I turned around, coming out of my world,  and into the cold reality. 
"You really shouldn't be around without someone keeping an eye on you. Someone might try and nab you." Said the voice. I looked up into the boy's face. His dark eyes were covered by his thick black hair, his tan muscular body glistened in the sun light.
As the boy sat next to me he asked, "What's your name?"
I just looked at him, expressionlessly. 
The boy stared back at me for a minute. Then When I didn't respond he said, "My name's Tyler."
I stared at him for a long time, trying to figure out what he wanted. Why he would ever talk to me. Then, I said, "Hi."
He gave me a sly smile and said, "What's up?"
When I didn't respond he just said, "Are you going to tell me your name?"
I just looked at him, then turned back to the ocean, watching the light glitter over it like crystals.
"Fine, let's play a game." Tyler said. "You tell me your name, and I'll leave you alone. If you don't tell me your name I'll just sit here and bug you until you give in."
I sat there, thoughts about what this boy wanted running through my head. As I sat there watching the waves splash onto the shore, I saw the boy staring at me. Waiting. I didn't respond. Then someone called out, "Hey! Hey Ty! Come on! We're gunna be late! Who's that you're with?" Tyler looked over towards the voice, then turned to me, "You win this time, but I'm sure I'll see you around...Mystery girl." Then he got up, and ran off to meet the other boys. As he turned his back to me I watched as he ran off towards the town. I watched until he was out of sight.

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Broken Chapter 1 I pushed my toes into the cool sand, while the

6 faves · Jan 15, 2012 9:03pm






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