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I don't hate Justin Beiber it's just...
i just think he's annoying prat that sings about being in love...he's what only just 17 or 18 I don't know one 17 or 18 year old that's so in love they have to make up songs about it. I know lots of girls think he's 'fit' but really he's just a dude that decided to sweep his hair over to the side I mean come on Louis Tomlinson had his hair like that way before Justin Beiber. Also i don't think he's gay as he's blatently not as he has a girlfriend. I don't like it when people use gay as an insult i know I really nice gay couple that live near to me...glad i got that out of the way! Oh and if you took the time to read my rant then thanks!:)


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I don't hate Justin Beiber it's just... i just think

6 faves · 3 comments · Jan 2, 2012 12:15pm






ella4july · 1 decade ago
Are you from the UK or something? I love how you say fit and prat!
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evie_russell · 1 decade ago
yeah but do they sing about it? and they probably weren't in love because my mum has only really been in love once she had tons of boyfriends and the only one she knew was one the one was my dad. and that's when your in love!
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mollydaviesxx · 1 decade ago
but even when he cut his hair he was still 'fit' ? and there is millons of people on witty who are yonger than 17 and say they have been in love ?
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