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A Change Of Mind
part 4/6

“its really over now isn’t it..?” I tired to speak slowly not to upset her, as ridiculous as it sounds kyle and mandy have been dating since the 6th grade, it was a cute little relationship they were both too young to have, but as the years went on they stayed together and their feelings got stronger, 3 years that’s a lot for kids our age. “Its cause o-of J-jane!” she managed to choke out. “What’d she do.” I spoke harshly this time. “Ashley and Bridget texted me and told me I needed to get to the fair now. So I got dressed and went, and it took me about 10 minutes to get there, they told me to go to the graivtron and so I did. They were in a full make out session, Jane and Kyle. I asked Ashley how long it was going on for and her a Bridget said for a while and they kept trying to break it up but jane wouldn’t stop, bridget told jane that she was gonna tell me and jane didn’t believe her, little did jane know I was already on the way, I just don’t get it, I thought he was better than this, better than her.” I rubbed her back until the sobs lightened up, i began to feel guilty for not being with her all night and instead with shawn and cole. I began to felt so bad that I broke down and explained everything to the bone of what I had done that night.”Im just so sorry mands, I would have been there for you, you know that, and when jane called me I just couldn’t answer it” “Good for you! You don’t need to protect me 24/7 jacks! You can have fun too!” I laughed and so did she. “well!” I looked at her with curiosity “what?” “DO YOU LIKE HIM?!” I shrugged, to be honest I had no clue, which is exactly what I told her, but instead of comforting me she threw a pillow at my head,I loved mands and the way she could just brighten up, she encouraged me to call shawn, she threw my phone at me and I dialed the number I had on the piece of paper. She walked into the bathroom and I walked over with her to see her washing her face, “but what am I even gonna sa-“ and then he answered. “hello?”

*im on a roooollllll right now :D*

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A Change Of Mind 18 part 4/6 “its really over now isn’t

1 faves · Dec 27, 2011 11:38pm






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