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A Change Of Mind
part 1

“As I patted the gauze onto the open gash I saw shawns jaw clenching. “im almost done” I said, I saw relief wash over him, as I wrapped the wound up in a large band aid and some ace bandages and threw out the garbage. “you really didn’t have to do that” I sat back down and just looked around at the dimly lighted shopping center around me. “yeah I did” I looked down when I spoke. But as soon as I looked up meeting shawns eyes. I noticed the ice cold blue eyes before me seemed to have softened and warmed. I smiled and laughed a little bit with a breath. “I have a question” he sounded shaky when he spoke but he continued after I nodded. “why were you starting to like cole? I mean I could tell by the way you were looking at him. you’ve only really been close with him for a few days and I jus-“ I cut him off mid sentence by putting up my hand and closing my eyes “no. oh god no. I really don’t think in the few days ive basically known him we’ve had a real conversation, well not like a deep one, and with out being able to truly open up to someone I don’t think anything can prosper from that.’’ We said in silence for a few seconds, until I decided to finally break it. “we should start walking back to the guys, they might get worried” And with that I stood up. Shawn got up and caught to my steady pace. “so since you got to ask me a question, I get to ask you one” I was walking on the curb keeping my balance like a pro while speaking. Shawn nodded and I went on “was all of what cole said true?” “depends on what your talking about” this time I inhaled a big breath in before speaking and then it came out “well that you hate everyone he talks to because of well, I guess trust issues, that you haven’t even had time for a girlfriend? Or one that actually cares?” as soon as I heard those last few words pour out of my mouth I gasped and stopped in my tracks and basically froze “i-im really s-sorry it u-uh didn’t m-mean to come o-ut like that” shawn laughed at my embarrassment making me breath for the first time in 20 seconds.” well ill admit that I don’t really consider any of my old girlfriends a real relationship. Mostly for the reason you said before, if you cant open up, whats the point?” Shawn started walking again so I stepped off the curb and followed a little bit behind him.

*okay this is redic i never post and i feel so bad! since its the break and im having a minor surgery im gonna be in my bed most of the break so ill be on alot more. i also need to start making m chapeters in parts cause its getting too long! sorry guys!*

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A Change Of Mind 18 part 1 “As I patted the gauze onto

1 faves · Dec 23, 2011 11:22pm






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