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A Change Of Mind

Almost the second after I finished my sentence we heard another creek and the ride slowly began to go into motion again, almost as if it was planned. Shawn and I walked off the ride smiling at each other, hes different from what I thought he was, and I was different from who he thought I was. I pulled my phone out and checked the missed call I had, it happened to be from cole. “Cole called me” I said continuing to stare down at my phone looked at a text I just got from jane. “Yeah me too, no worries ill call him back real fast.” Shawn hit the call button on his iphone and soon they were talking when shawn hung up kind of angry “can we go over by the train station for a second?” he said with an underlying tone of anger to his voice, I simply nodded as he took my hand and pulled me through the crowd of drunk, loud people. We finally made our way through the pack of people and over to a smaller but still pretty big group of people. I had to squint my eyes to see what was going on in the circle. My eyes widened as I looked up and saw coles lip bleeding and him sitting on the floor infront of the group of teenagers who seemed to be a little older then us. Shawn dropped my hand and ran to coles side, I started walking closer to the boys, and the closer I got, the worse cole began to look. ”

*authors note: this ones short but thats only because i have like 3 other chapters to add on tonight, they were already written so im uploading now (:

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A Change Of Mind 14 Almost the second after I finished my sentence

2 faves · Dec 9, 2011 11:38pm






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