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Save Me
Chapter Ten

Cindy's P.O.V

This night is forever burned into my memeory. There is no possible way I could forget it.
After that little makeout scene, the boys lined up.
I stared at them in horror, one guy smiled, "That's right. We all get to have some fun with you."
I shook my head rapidly, and once agai tried to squirm out of the handcuffs.
No luck, they were too tight.
I wans't paying attention, I was too focused on getting myself free.
When suddenly, BAM! I had a man as heavy as a cinderblock ontop of me.
My breath became short, he was crushing me. I squirmed left and right, trying to shake him off me. But his hands were firmly planted on either side of the bed, there was no way of getting him off.
He began kissing me hard, tongue included. I tried to bite down again, but he was so into the kiss he was practically in my mouth. His mouth was in the way, I couldn't defend myself at all.
He sucked my neck like a vampire; I'm sure it was salty from my tears running down my cheeks, onto my neck.
Before I knew it, my undies were around my ankles. The true life scarring part.
Even worse; no protection was used. No one used it.
He made his way inside me, and pleasured himself.
I lay there helpless, like a person who is paralyzed.
He was done within an hour, then the next man took his turn.
Then the next. And the next. And the next. All 6 men.
By the end of the night, they were satisfied and had huge grins on their faces.
I felt disgusting, used, hurt. So many emotions filled my body, along with other things..
"Nice work babe.. Maybe we'll go easy on you tomorrow." the leader said with a wink, then flicked the light out and shut the door, leaving me alone in a pitch black room, still tied to the bed.
I was I so much pain, they had no mercy.
I cried more tears to overflow the ocean, and they kept coming.
I wanted to scream, but they said if I made a sound, they would slit my throat.
No chances.
My body shivered from being so abused, and being in only a bra and undies witht he window wide open; letting the cold January air crash into my bare skin.
My teeth began to chatter, I was freezing.
I looked at the old, nearly broken clock on the dusty nightstand beside the bed.
It blinked 1:24am.
Sleeping was not an option. Fear was too strong.
I lay there on the bed, staring at the ceiling and trying to ignore the harsh winds.
It was going to be a long night.

I'm SO sorry for not writing! :( I've been very busy, and my other story is almost finished so I'm trying to wrap it up. Agai, I'm so sorry! I hope this chapter make s up for it!<3

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Save Me Chapter Ten Cindy's P.O.V This night is forever

6 faves · 2 comments · Dec 6, 2011 6:20pm






msmalfoy13 · 1 decade ago
this is good, and a lot easier to read now tht the typing is black
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loveyoulots101 · 1 decade ago
will u please write more? i absolutly love this story....SO MUCH!
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