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Someone Like You

Chapter Ten

"Josie!" Matt called.
I ignored him.  I was determined to forget about him and find someone else.
"Josie! Don't run away from me!" he called.
I stopped and turned to face him.
"What do you want Matt?" I asked, my nostrils flaring.
"Just give me another chance," Matt said.
"When was your first one? Making a random move yesterday? No.  Not going to happen," I whispered the last sentence, turning on my heel and walking away.
"Josie," he called after me, but I didn't turn.  I was done with that silly crush.  There was no use.
After school Lizzie and I were going to the beach.
We lay down on our towels, letting the sun soak into our skin.
"I'm so glad I live by the beach," Lizzie grinned, her oversized pink shades casting shadows on her cheeks.
I laughed, nodding. "I guess I am too, Lizzie."
Suddenly Lizzie shot up into a sitting position.
"What is it?" I said, sitting up.
"Ex boyfriend, 3 o'clock," she said, staring straight ahead.
I turned to my right to see a cute boy with blonde hair hanging in his eyes looking at me.  He was standing with a slightly shorted boy with dark brown hair that stuck up in all sorts of ways, who was looking behind me, at Lizzie. I turned to Lizzie, who had removed her shades, revealing her shocking set of gray eyes rimmed by her thick set of dark lashes.
She was staring longingly past me, toward the smaller boy. I stood up and made my way towards them.
They stood up, and the tall blonde crossed his arms.
"What do you want?" he asked.
"My friend, Lizzie, seems to know you," I said.
"Yeah, we know her," the smalled boy said quietly.
The blonde was glaring down at me. I looked up into his amber eyes.
"Why do you ask?" he said.
"She says you dated," I said, still looking at the blonde, but talking to the brunette.
"Yeah.  A while ago. I'm gonna go talk to her, alright Hunter?" the short one said, already making his way to Lizzie, who was laying back down.
"Alright, Zach," Hunter said, glaring at me.
"Why are still standing here?" Hunter asked, sitting back down.
"Lizzie seems busy," I looked over to see Zach sitting down beside Lizzie, causing her to jump.
"Well, so am I," Hunter barked. I ignored his rude tone and sat next to him on the bench.
"Lemonade," I told the bartender.
Hunter took a sip of what looked like root beer, and turned to face me.
"So... who are you anyway?"
"Josie," I said, smiling at him. "Josie Doer."

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Someone Like You Chapter Ten "Josie!" Matt called.

4 faves · Dec 3, 2011 12:10pm






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