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Someone Like You

Chapter Two

I walked into the giant high school.  It was so big.  My old high school wasn't half as large as Woodland High.
It was crazy inside. Kids shouting, throwing books, laughing, talking, getting caught by teachers.  
I pushed past the crowd. God, it was stuffy in here. And hot. And sweaty. The smells of BO and crappy coffee filled the hallways.
I shoved and squeezed my way out of the mess and into the quiet of the office.
I cute lady looked over her glasses at me.  
"May I help you, dear?" she asked, her grey hair falling out of her uniform bun.
"Yeah.  My name is Josie Carter, I'm here to get my locker combination," i said, smiling.
I bounced from foot to foot, anxious to get this over with and start my dangerous journey into the center of the madness, the lockers.
She handed me a slip of paper with some numbers on it. Locker 85... combination 18-6-44
Easy enough, right?
I thanked her and pushed open the door and took a step out into the wild.
Only to be knocked into by someone.
"Sorry," the bumper in question mumbled. I looked up to see a flop of light brown hair and a pair of light green eyes.
"Ith otayy, I mean... It's okay," I said, tounge tied.
"I'm Matthew," he grinned.
"Josie," I replied, shaking his hand. My tiny hand was practically swallowed by his massive one. It was warm.
I smiled up at him, and he grinned back.  I didn't realize we were still holding hands until another boy came up and clapped Matthew on the back.
"HEY MATT," he grinned, his red hair flopping into his eyes. "Ready for the race tonight?" 
Matt grinned and did one of those weird bro hugs with the boy.
"Yeah, see you there TJ," he grinned. The boy ran off.
"Nice meeting you, Josie," Matt smiled at me.
"Yeah you too," I muttered as he ran off in pursuit of TJ.

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Someone Like You Chapter Two I walked into the giant high school.

6 faves · Dec 2, 2011 4:36pm






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