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Justin Bieber.
I'm not sure if this hospital thing is true, but I'm gonna hope it's not.. I don't even think you have asmtha, but they are also saying you fainted because of exhaustion. Justin, I hope youre okay. You have been my inspiration since day one. Now, some people are gonna be thinking he's not f*cking dying, well those people can go f*ck themselves because, I'm a #hardcorebelieber. I'm really hoping this whole thing is fake, but if it's really not I wanna let you know how much your beliebers love you. Cause they do.
Justin, we really really hope your okay.
We love you!♥
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Justin Bieber. I'm not sure if this hospital thing is true,

14 faves · 1 comments · Nov 25, 2011 9:47am






LilMissEpic15 · 1 decade ago
Apparently, the #prayforjustinbieber was a joke made up by Lady Gaga
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