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I hate when people through out "I love you" like it means nothing. For example I saw this 7th grader tell her 7th gr. boyfriend "Love you boo;*"  after one day of going out.
Honestly that's gross.
I mean okay, cute you have nicknames. But LOVE YOU. No. Just no. That's WAYYY to early to be saying I love you. Even in highschool.. I think its a little crazy to say I love you after the first month. I mean if you've been together for a really, really long time It's definately acceptable. But a week? a day?! Uh. No.
I would never be able to say I love you to someone unless I meant it. I mean I say it all the time to my friends, but that is different. Friends are FOREVER, you don't know how long you'll have your boyfriend/girlfriend for. I also dislike when guys say "Love ya" to there friends who are girls..
Honestly you're giving us the wrong impression. Now we think you like us. & When we respond, love you too! We probably mean it because we've liked you for a LONG time, because you're obviously our best guy friend if you're saying "Love ya".
Gah. Sorry for my stupid vent.
Needed to get that out. 

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I hate when people through out "I love you" like it

2 faves · Nov 22, 2011 8:36pm






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