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This girl, she had been losing an extreme amount of blood for quite a while, and she chose the night when no one was home to do the deed.
   Her parents, fairly nice people they were, though they've both made their mistakes, through both violence and affairs, were journeying back home and it wasn't long before that rusty key was turning in the lock again.
      Both of the gardiens called her name, but there was no reply. They started to fear the worst and ran upstairs, they opened the bathroom door with building anticipation, and there, right there lay their dying baby girl, the one they loved so much.
         They were speaking to her, begging her to, "hold on in there" but she was too weak to reply. Immediately, they called the ambulance service, and this child, she was pleading for mercy and forgiveness.
           The sirens sounded and the blue flashes as bright as lightening appeared, the crew ran to the bathroom and collected the child, she told them... DNR.
               Unaware of what their child had said, both parents sat within the ambulance as she was being taken to hospital, oh how it broke their hearts knowing it may be the last time their sweet baby girl would see their faces, hear their voices, feel their touch and be with them.
                  The doctors lay the girl on a bed, there she used her last bit of energy to apologise to her parents, she said she loved them, told them not to worry and sobbed the words, "if you love me as much as you say, let me go. let me be happy".
                     Though they didn't want their little princess to leave them for eternity, they had no choice in her departure, within the next few moments the doctor exclaimed that she didn't have much time left and just as they said their last good-bye she left.               
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This girl, she had been losing an extreme amount of blood for

3 faves · 1 comments · Nov 21, 2011 3:46pm






aoife111 · 1 decade ago
omg thats real sad =[ why would you rite that????????
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