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Summer’s Secrets
Chapter 1

“Hey your Summer, right?
I look up to see a tall guy,with sea blue eyes, chestnut hair

and dark red lips.

Ugh my name. A stupid name to pick considering I was

born in December.

“Yeah I’m Summer.” I respond lamely.

I keep wondering what this guy wants.

 I’ve been the new girl since October. I wonder why he

would wait 2 months to talk to me.

“Yeah, um I’m Luke  Brooks, and I was wondering if you

wanted to go to the snowflake ball with me?
 Its on the 16.”

Awwww. How sweet.
Its on the 16….Crap I have the… wait, but maybe I can get

out of it. No I can’t. They would be angry at me, and I

couldn’t afford that right now. Not ever since September,

when Ava ruined everything. I’m lucky they moved me to a

new town.

“Luke, I’m sorry you seem like a nice guy but, I cant go.”

“Oh, are you seeing someone?” Luke says with a wounded


Ha.  Like I would ever be aloud to date someone.

No, its not that, its just…..I’m gonna be out of town on the


“Oh, ok. Maybe we can do something this weekend?”

“Yeah, sur-* beep beep.

I checked my phone.


I’m watching you. Say yes.

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Summer’s Secrets Chapter 1 “Hey your Summer, right?

2 faves · Nov 18, 2011 8:02pm






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