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11/11/11? No, my wish wasn't granted, infact, yesterday was back luck for me. I'm writing this quote to give all of you beautiful girls some friendly advice. Yesterday, I got dumped. Because I was too scared to kiss my boyfriend, he made the first move 4 times, Them few times, I turned him down, basically humiliating him infront of his friends. He dumped me, bbming me that night he wrote "Sorry." and I said "I'll live, js." After a while he wrote "you don't like me". Of course, I like you. I'm not just gonna be some sappy typical teenager and be upset for a while. Ok, I admit, I was gutted to say the least. But, I'm a teenager? I got dumped. My ife isn't over? And as for the girls who get depressed and have strange behaviour after getting dumped. Put it this way, quit wasting you time! You're beautiful!<3 Quit looking in the mirror wondering what he didn't see in you, that's his loss. Forget about it, move on. At the end of the day, you're going to go through a lot of jerks and boys, but fate's going to choose you the right guy at the end, I promise. <3. Hope I helped some of you. :* I've got dumped by my first boyfriend last night. But I'm ok, you know? Me and him are cool now, he wants to be my mate, so I am. but I'm going to fall for him.
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2 faves · 3 comments · Nov 12, 2011 6:44pm






angel027 · 1 decade ago
love youse all too!:*! some guys are d!cks, we just all need to understand it and prepare for what the future holds. least, im not the only one. hehe. <3.
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ThankYouMrDrewIngle · 1 decade ago
I love you for this.
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JustMe888 · 1 decade ago
THANK YOU! i hate when girls are all like "i loved him" & its like you dont even know what love is!
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