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Sweet Summertime
Chapter Twelve
Graham turned into a driveway. He got out of the car and held the passenger door open for me. We walked together, hand in hand to the front door of his friend's house. He knocked on the door and a good looking guy answered the door. God, are all hockey players so hot?
"Hey man," Graham said to the boy who answered the door.
"Graham! And Graham's lady," he said.
I laughed and Graham said, "Oh sorry! Lucy, this is my friend Jake. Jake this is my girlfriend Lucy."
"Nice to meet you," I said and shook Jake's hand.
"You picked a good one man, what nice manners."
We stepped into Jake's house and he lead us down to his basement. There was a group of guys there and a few girls too. They all cheered when they saw Graham, "Man we haven't seen you in forever!" a blond boy said.
"Graham! I missed you, come sit by meeee!" a girl whined. She was wearing a low cut shirt. Her face was orange and her arms were white. 
Graham ignored her, he sat down on an empty love seat and I sat down next to him. He introduced me to all his friends and I learned that the orange faced girl's name was Sammi.
Everyone was joking around and talking among one another. I had no clue what to do with myself. I knew no one and no of them seemed to want to get to know me. Graham was busy talking about the NHL with a few hockey boys to keep me company so I just awkwardly sat in a chair.
After awhile Graham seemed to notice I was being rather quiet. "Well we should get going, talk to you guys later."
A chorus of goodbyes came our way as we walked up the stairs. We got into his car and hit the road. "What was that?" he asked me.
"What? What was what?" I asked, confused.
"You made no effort to get know any of them!"
"I made no effort!? I'm sorry that I didn't feel like they liked me. I'm sorry I felt that they didn't even want to get to know me! What was I suppose to do?" I yelled, tears streaming down my face.
"Maybe try talking to them," he said in a grumpy tone.
"I didn't see any of them trying to talk to me. Why are you putting it all on me?"
"Because, you said you wanted to meet them but then acted like you didn't want to be there. I never get to see them anymore because of you." Graham yelled.
I felt like he took a knife and stabbed me in the heart with it. Luckily he pulled into my driveway, "You never get to see them anymore because of me? Well here's the easy solution, don't f*cking talk to me again!" I slammed his car door shut and ran into my house. Mary was sitting at the kitchen table with the little neighbor boy. Even my little sister has a better love life than me!

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Sweet Summertime ♥ Chapter Twelve Graham turned into a

8 faves · Oct 28, 2011 2:57pm






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