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Unless you've walked in their shoes,
                                 don't sit there and judge someone.
You don't know why they make the decisions they do.
You can't live someone elses life, and you shouldn't let them live yours.
Cristism hurts, words are just like razors.
The pain inflicted may not always be visible.
Have you ever thought about how they're feeling on the inside?
In 2008, alone, there were 36,035 reported sucide deaths in the United States.
Suicide is the third leading cause of death among 15-24 year olds.
Bullying is one of the most common factors that lead to teen suicide.
Almost everyone of us have been a victim of some form of bullying.
Wether it's verbal, mental, or pshyical judgment, it hurts.
If we don't want our future generations suffering by the same thing we've been through,
we've got to take a stand.
Think before you speak, stop before you push.

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Unless you've walked in their shoes, don't sit there

2 faves · Oct 27, 2011 4:10pm






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