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****long but please read****
So today I asked one of my really close guy friends who I might have feelings for to wear his jersey for homecoming, homecoming football game is one week from tomorrow, and I really wanna wear his jersey for peprally, which is one week from today. Yesterday he was hinting to me that he wanted me to wear his jersey today, but never directly asked me so I never asked him for it. And when I asked him if I could wear it for homecoming he said we'll see. What's that suppose to mean?:/ And my other best friend Iwas telling him about my problem and he was like flirting with me and he was like well you could wear my jersey if you want. So confused right now I really wanna were the guy I kind of have feelings fors jersey but I don't know what to do:/ Any help?
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****long but please read**** So today I asked one of my really

3 faves · 1 comments · Oct 21, 2011 6:43pm






guyfacts5378 · 1 decade ago
(advice from a guy)
You have a while to try and get an answer from the guy you have feelings for,if he says no then you can wear your other friends jersey.In my opinion the guys who you tell your problem would make better BFs than the others.And if the guy you have feelings for says no,there nothing you can really do about it,so try not to get so worked up over it. What happens happens,well I hope you get to wear the guy you like's jersey. Good luck!
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