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*-What I Found Other Than You-*


I turned around and the first thing I saw was my friend Joon taking pictures of everybody, because it was our last day of school. "What the freak!?," I walked over to him to see how the picture came out. 
"It's really not that bad," he said. "The only thing missing in this picture, is me." Ahh, Joon. Typical. I had no other choice, so I took his camera, held it up a little higher than our faces and.. "Click!"
     We both wanted to see how the picture came out, but since the camera was right in the middle of us, we bashed heads. "Dude, I wanted to look at it first." "Whatever. Is it nice?" He stuck out his tongue and said, "HELLA YES. It's my new default." Suddenly, he looked at me with a face that a puppy would give his owner if they didn't want to play fetch. I calmly asked and walked up to him, "What's wrong?" He looked down. "Don't laugh when I say this, but I'm gonna miss you." 
     Yep. We graduated from High School just 4 days ago, and we were all going our separate ways. "I'm not going to the same school as you, and my mom is also making us move to her home country." 
Seeing him like this made me want to cry. I was going to miss him also, but being this sad just isn't my best friend. He was the stupid type. He played around a lot, but he also knew just the right time to get serious. When we were only 9 years old and my mother died, he was there to comfort me the whole entire summer. Everyday he would come over and give me a new present. Now that he's moving, I wouldn't be able to talk to him face to face anymore. And to be honest, I really will miss that.
     "It's okay, if I get a good job, I'll visit you every chance I get." I wasn't so very sure about that though. "But in about a year or 2, you're already going to forget me. It'll be like we never even met.." He looked as if he was starting to cry. 
"I'll promise you that everything we've been through together, will never be forgotten. I have all of our pictures with me anyway!," I said with a hopeful smile. "Okay, and I do too." A car stopped right next to us, and honked their horn in a pattern that me and Joon would always make. It sounded like 'Ink in the bottle.'
     "I have to go, that's my mom.." He looked at me, then he looked inside the car. I looked over too, but there was something in the back that I didn't like seeing.. There were a bunch of luggages.. 
"When are you moving anyway?" I had a bad feeling about the answer he was going to give me. He looked at me with another sad face and said, "I'm leaving right now. I'm sorry I didn't get the time to tell you." 
     Ouch. Once he said that, it felt like my stomach dropped. So did my heart. "You're leaving right now?!," I had to ask again, just to make sure I wasn't having a nightmare. Before he could answer my last question to him, he ran to his mother's car crying his eyes out. The last thing he said to me was, "I'm sorry." With those 2 words, his family drove off and away to the airport. "JOON!" I couldn't let him leave so fast. I was running as fast as I could, chasing the car and trying to make it stop with all the power I had in me." JOON! WAIT!" By now, my back was filled with sweat and my throat started to hurt. While I was still running, I began to get dizzy. Dizzier and dizzier I got, I felt myself slipping away.. When I looked around, the scenery changed to a big beautiful and colorful city at night. Joon's car end up in back of me.. How? 
I didn't know what to do at that moment. Time froze, and I could only stand still. His car was approaching, and I was being blinded by his car's headlights. Right when it was in front of my face...


     "LILLIE, WAKE UP.." I was being shaken. "LILLIE!!" 
I quickly sat up and without realizing, I was out of breath. "Lilly, are you okay?"


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*-What I Found Other Than You-* [Prologue] "SMILE!"

5 faves · Oct 20, 2011 6:07pm






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