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It's easy for you, I don't forget so fast
Of the times we had, our ~best friend~ past
You let us go, but I held on
But I am weak, I am no longer strong
I was stupid to let us slip like this
I doubt there's a thing that you still miss
But I miss every single thing about you
All the jokes that we had, the dumb things we'd do
I miss how we use to have those long old chats
Where all we use to type about was this and that
We were there for each otha
Like a sista and a brotha
Now it's like we don't know each otha
I was a fool, to ever let you down
Because now, it's in my tears that I drown.
(rap-ish kinda thang)

I love you soooo incredibly much, Jane. I miss us and I miss you. I know nothing I can do can make us be best friends again. But I don't wanna slip from your heart....cause you're always in mine.
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It's easy for you, I don't forget so fast Of the times we had,

1 faves · Jul 28, 2004 7:51pm






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