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chapter two
willow leaped out of my hands as soon as we neared her food dish that was filled with her food. "good morning, missy," my mom smiled at me.
"what's for breakfast?" i asked, kissing her on the cheek.
"well, what would you like?" she hugged me.
"surprise me," i giggled. i turned and sat down in one of the three wooden chairs at the table.
my mom, Ceili, is the one i survive by. my dad, blake, left my mom when i was two. so i barely knew him. even though i don't know him, i miss him. i want him to come back.
after about fifteen minutes, my mom called me into the kitchen.
"i made you orange pecan french toast! your favorite!" she kissed my forehead.
"thanks, mom," i said. i looked at the clock. i had to leave in about ten minutes, so i quickly ate my food. with not much time left, i kissed my mother goodbye, grabbed my bag, and ran out the door.
i stuck my hand in my bag, searching for my keys. i touched a cold metal object, and i wrapped my fingers around it, pulling it out. i slid my key into the lock of my car door and got in. i slid the key into the ignition and started my car. i switched it into reverse, then started to back out of my driveway, then drove off to my first day of school in this autumn-infected town.
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Missouri chapter two willow leaped out of my hands as soon as

2 faves · Oct 7, 2011 5:21pm






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