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Becca and Gabe finished up the first half of their photo shoot and decided to go grab some coffee together. They walked a couple blocks down and went into a Starbucks.
"So, you just became a model too? You seem so relaxed with it." Becca said. She was amazed at Gabe's confidence.
"Well, I guess I've been used to being under a microscope." Gabe said. He paid for Becca's coffee.
"You didn't have to do that, really." Becca said. She smiled at him as they walked back to the studio.
"So do your friends think it's cool that you're a model?" Gabe asked. He opened the studio door for Becca and followed her inside.
"Well, actually, they don't know. They don't know a lot of things about me." Becca admitted. She and Gabe climbed the steps slowly.
"What else don't they know about you?" Gabe asked. He cracked a smile. Becca shrugged and handed him her coffee. She went in to a backbend and then kicked over and landed in the middle splits. Then, she leaned back and closed her legs in front. Gabe clapped for her by clinking their coffee cups.
"That's very sexy." Gabe says as they walk into the studio.
"Thanks." Becca is ushered away by a woman in a floor-length bright red dress and caked on layers of cheap make-up.
"Hey, you want to meet up again later?" Gabe asks, following Becca into the changing area. He leans against the door to her changing room.
"Sure." Becca calls to him. But, then, to Gabe's surprise, Becca opens the door and pulls him inside, shutting it quickly behind her.
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Breathless 2 Becca and Gabe finished up the first half of their

2 faves · Oct 6, 2011 1:00am






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