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More Than Friends..?
Chapter 25
Honestly, before that moment, I thought I had experienced fear in my life. But all of that fear didn't even come close to how scared I was that I might loose Andrew at that moment. & It was that same moment & that same fear that made it finally come to me, I did love him. Our lives together flashed through my head with in a second, I saw us that time we went fishing & I hooked his shirt & ripped it. I saw the time we got into a fight, I screamed at him & walked away & he went after me, telling me that he didn't want to loose me. I saw the time we were sitting under the stars, just talking about our life. I saw all the times I went to his house at 1 AM , crying my eyes out about some boy & he listened to me carefully. I saw all the times I helped him get a girls number & all the times he got me a guys number. & for a moment, I saw my life without him, something I didn't want to expierence. I don't know what did it, if it was that realization that i loved him or the fear that I could loose him, but when I finally focused back on reality, i Was climbing up the bridge wires to where he was, preparing to jump off.
"Andrew?" I called, now shaking from fear. He watched the crashing waves beneath him. "ANDREW." His head shot up & he looked at me , like i was crazy. It was a look I was pretty used to by now. ".. Kather- " "Shuttup. " i Snapped. He went quite & looked at me. "I love you Andrew. I love you. I love you 100x over. Don't jump Andrew. I don't want to loose you. How the hell I got up here with a broken leg? I have no freaking idea. But i didn't feel any pain. I'm too numb from fear. I was wrong to go after Jake. I was wrong to avoid you after you told me how you felt. I was wrong I'm stupid & if anyone, I dont desereve to live. but you do." He just stared at me. He took a step towards me on the tiny little board of wood we stood on. "I love you katherine" He wrapped his arms around me & kissed me, the sound of the screams below us getting louder. "I'll never leave you" He whispered.


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------------------------- More Than Friends..? Chapter 25 Honestly,

13 faves · 2 comments · Oct 1, 2011 10:48pm






xobrittx3xx · 1 decade ago
aww <3 keep writingg
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sparkly_rain_bows321 · 1 decade ago
this might just have turned me into a romantic... :O
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