Witty Profiles

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Chapter 40
Cassie finally woke up around 11, so we decided to go out to shop in Santa Monica.
The sun was beaming on my face, making me slightly sweaty.
The weather in California was nothing like in Rhode Island.
California was much warmer, while Rhode Island was cooler.
"Hey, let's go in here." Cassie said, tugging my arm.
I followed her into a vintage boutique.
It was pretty creepy inside, considering the fact that the store was dimly lit with candles, and the racks of clothing and accessories were old and rusty.
"What are we doing in here, Cass? It's scary." I shuddered.
She shot me a look. "Don't be such a baby!"
I sighed, as I followed her towards the back of the store, where the cashier was.
The cashier was a woman who looked in her 60's.
She looked tired and bored, tapping her fingers on the wooden counter.
"Excuse me, I heard from a friend that the owner here does fortune telling?" Cassie asked.
The old lady's eyes lit up in a shade of dark grey, as she nodded.
"That would be me, darling." she purred.
"Great." Cassie smiled, as the lady assisted her down on a stool.
She held Cassie's palms out, as she closed her eyes in deep concentration.
Her bony fingers wandered on Cassie's soft skin, as she started to hum.
After a moment, the old lady's eyes shot open, and she stared at Cassie contently.
"I-I see a lot of... money in your future. You'll be a very wealthy woman in no time." the old lady said, nodding her head at Cassie.
Chills went up my spine.
"Really? Oh, that's great! Thank you! Here." Cassie smiled gratefully, handing the woman twenty dollars.
"No problem, darling."
We were about to turn around and head out the door, as the woman's voice spoke up, again.
"What about you, sweetie? Don't you want to know about your future?" she asked.
I bit my lip, and slowly turned back to her.
"Oh, that's a great idea! Go, Carson!" Cassie cheered.
"Yes, come my dear." the old lady smiled wickedly.
I hesitated, before sitting on the same stool Cassie did.
She held out my palm, and repeated the process.
Her cold, stony fingers crept up and down my palm, as my heart was thumping.
Her eyes suddenly opened, as a small smile appeared on her lips.
"I see love in your future." she nodded.
I frowned. "What? When?"
"Well, not until a few years, or so. But, I do see someone dedicating themselves for you."
Who could it be?
Wait, I didn't believe this fortune crap, did I?
I shook out my thoughts, as I reached in my wallet to hand her a twenty.
"No, no, darling. It's fine." she insisted.
"What? Why?" I asked.
"I give exceptions for love." she winked.
I was taken aback for a moment, before I nodded.
"Are you sure?" I asked again.
"Well, thank you?" I said awkwardly.
"It's fine, dear. But, remember to come back and visit me once you found your man."
I took in a deep breath, before nodding.
"I promise."

Creepy chapter? I think so. ;)

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Roommates Chapter 40 Cassie finally woke up around 11, so we

205 faves · 6 comments · Sep 28, 2011 7:57pm






ThatsSoMeee · 1 decade ago
love this story
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SMstories · 1 decade ago
lols i doubt you''lll lose any readers anytime soon no matter how slow you go.

just saying ;)

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lollipopx3 · 1 decade ago
cupcakegoddess- i'm trying. i am busy with school. but, thanks for the advice.
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lollipoplover · 1 decade ago
hurry upppp plzz oh and if ur ricelover on wattpad i love your stories they are awsomeeee
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beingstronggx3 · 1 decade ago
fortune tellers creep me out; but when i turn 18 in going to one.(: hah.
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CupcakeGoddess · 1 decade ago
This one was a little slow. I wouldn't say creepy, but slow would definatly define the chapter. You should make the next chapter, medium-to-fast pace so that you don't lose readers. Love&&Kisses, Blair-Belle.
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