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Here is to the girls
Who have ever felt:
Hated. Unappreciated. Ignored. Stupid. Ugly. Like you're not worth it. Like it's not worth it. Alone. Burned.Like no one understands. Heartbroken. Invisible. Like parents will never know what it's like. That no one cares. That no one really knows you. That you're wasting your time chasing after them. Like you need to scream. That all you want to do is cry. That the pressure of the world is on your shoulders. Judged. That life isn't fair. That everyone's against you. Wronged. Tired of it all. That you're losing everyone and everything. That everything is falling apart. Misunderstood. Like no one else cares. Like no one else notices. Like wallpaper. Like you'll never find someone as good as them. That they'll never love you the same way. That music is your only release. That cutting is your only release. That you have no release. Hurt. Unloved. Used. Like you're a total mess. That you're screaming and no one hears you. That life sucks. Like you've been stabbed in the back. That it won't be okay. Abused. Lost. Cheap. Like not waking up. Like breaking everything. Like punching someone. Like screaming till your throat feels raw. Like telling them how you feel. Like you just need to be held. Like it's all wrong. That there's nothing you can do. Like an idiot. Ostracized. Like you're in the wrong body. That the mirror is your enemy. That there's no point in trying. That you had to bite your tongue to keep the words from flying. Cold. Like you're falling. Appalled. Like you're slipping away. Like life's slipping through your fingers. That you're missing out on it all. That you hate everyone. Repressed. Depressed. Like nothing is right. Confused. Sad. Mad. Like they'll just never get you. Like there's no point in wishing for something that won't happen. Broken. Beaten. Like there's something wrong with you.

You're not alone beautiful [♥]

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Here is to the girls Who have ever felt: Hated. Unappreciated.

314 faves · 4 comments · Sep 18, 2011 9:39am






ice_princess44 · 1 decade ago
story. of. my. life.
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heatherwoodb03 · 1 decade ago
i love this quote
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nevershoutally2169 · 1 decade ago
Ohhai. All of this explains me. < 3
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laughter_14 · 1 decade ago
lol, i read it "who have never felt", and i was like O.o
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