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You know that you love Twilight when...
You stop saying oh my gosh, instead you say oh my edward.
You scream like a fan girl when you see a Volvo.
You have a giant poster of Edward and Bella. And then, you photo op yourself into it.
You and your bff decide to roll in glitter and call yourself Rosalie and Alice for Halloween.
You flinch whenever somebody disses Twilight, then you beat them up and make them take it back.
You join a Twilight club and all you talk about is Edward Cullen.
All you want for Christmas is Edward Cullen.

hehe i wanted 2 make anotherrr one. Hope u like! SaMaNtHa
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You know that you love Twilight when... You stop saying oh my

9 faves · Dec 10, 2008 6:46pm






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