Witty Profiles

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Chapter 1
Elizabeth's POV:

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The bright North Carolina sunlight shone through my bedroom window, lighting up my golden colored walls, waking me up. Yawning, I stretched and flipped off the covers, exposing my long legs to the warming air. I sat there for a few more seconds before I heard my phone ringing. I reached over to my nightstand and grabbed it, answering it on the second ring.
               “Hello beautiful,” A voice that I knew all too well, sang. I smiled and blushed and I couldn’t help but notice that I did that every day. His greetings always got to me like that.
               “Hey Nate.” I replied.
               “I just wanted to make sure you were up. I didn’t want to come over and eat all of your mom’s pancakes without you. That would just be rude.”
                “Nate, you come over every morning just to eat my mom’s pancakes.” I laughed. I heard him chuckle on the other end. “Plus, I wake up every morning just to hear your voice on the phone.” I said honestly. Too bad he’ll never get the hint.
               “Ha, sure you do. But I’ll be over in ten. See ya soon, Lizzie.” He said.
               I smiled. “Kay, bye Nate.”
               I rolled out of bed and walked up to my long mirror to check the damage. I sighed. My wavy brown hair was frizzy and out of control and my green/blue eyes looked extremely dull. It was going to take a lot of work to look decent. I grabbed my comb and brought it to my hair, letting it run through. Once I had gotten all of the knots out, I pulled it to the side, putting it in a curly ponytail. After I finished that, I brushed a light foundation over my milky white skin and I applied a little mascara and eyeliner. I walked over to my closet and pulled out a pair of dark wash skinny jeans and a blue and white striped flowy top. I slid them on and ran down the stairs, hoping there was at least a few pancakes left for me to eat.
               I started walking into the kitchen and stopped when I saw him, my heart sputtering. Why does he have to be so damn attractive. He must of heard me pause in the doorway because he looked up at me and smiled, his blonde hair falling over his ice blue eyes.
               “Don’t worry, I saved you a few pieces.” Nate said, obviously thinking that’s why I stopped. I nodded and slid onto the stool next to him. Looking down at my plate I groaned. The ‘pieces’ he saved me were the outer rim of the pancake.
               “Really, Nate?”
               He nodded, a few chuckles leaving his lips. “You know I hate the ends.”
               I rolled my eyes and laughed. “You’re such a child.” I said playfully punching his arm.
               He laughed with me. “But you know love me.” He winked. I smiled and butterflies went crazy in my stomach. If only he knew how true that was. 

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Invisible Chapter 1 Elizabeth's POV: • • •

44 faves · 7 comments · Aug 26, 2011 7:24pm






VictoriaRose88 · 1 decade ago
This is really good(:
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ssleepless-nights* · 1 decade ago
ilove it<333
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Nataliexoxo · 1 decade ago
Dear Stacey,
i was with you when you first listened to this song(: & i think this is very goood and you should teach me how to be a good writer.. lmaao. can't wait for the pretty little liars party at your house tomorrow! SEASON FINALE♥ it's gonna be intense(;

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Apage · 1 decade ago
loveeee it!!!
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livelikeyourwriting · 1 decade ago
you're such a good writer, stacey! i love this. keep on writing, gurl!
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neonpandaxoxo · 1 decade ago
I freaking LOVE this.
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shlexproxx19 · 1 decade ago
loveeee =]
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