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Chapter 10

Story name unknown; by xwittystoriesx

The next morning I awoke to the sound of thunder and rain. I grabbed my phone off my desk and sent a text to Lily, Heather, and Sam. 'Heey, good morning! nice weather outside, eh? :( i guess this means no hangouts 2day:( oh well, maybe next week we'll have a sleepover at my house :D love yuh, bye<33' I wrote, and clicked "send". I got up and out of my room, checking if Marilyn or my parents woke up yet. They were still sleeping, so I quietly fixed myself some cereal in the kitchen and went back to my room and opened my laptop. I went on facebook, and before checking my notifications, something caught my eye.

It was a post from Jodie on Most Recent news. Jodie Wilson went from being "single" to a being " in a relationship" with Andrew Stevens. Oh my gosh! I couldn't believe this! I thought Jodie and Andrew weren't dating, and yesterday Andrew was mad at Jodie! I slammed my laptop shut, walked back to the kitchen, sat at the table, and ate my cereal. I was just beginning to think Andrew liked me. But now, I guess its all over. I won't talk to him, I won't look at him, and I won't like him anymore. I just can't believe- I snapped out of my thoughts, as someone poked me from behind. I jumped out of my chair, and it was Marilyn.

 ''Marilyn! You scared me! What do you want?" I said. "Food." she replied. Again, Marilyn always needed me to give her food because she was hungry. "No. I think you're old enough to at least make cereal for yourself. I'm going to my room." I said, and went upstairs again. I closed my door  and just lay on my bed for a while. A few minutes later, my dog Buddy walked in my room and curled up beside me. I pet him, and we both fell asleep soon.

 "Kaylee! Kaylee!" my mom nudged me. "Wake up! It's past 12:00, and someone is at the door." I opened my eyes, and walked downstairs. I expected to find Lily, Heather, Sam, or maybe even Jamie at my door, but instead, it was Andrew. "Hey sleepy head." he smiled. "Hi." I said. This time I wasn't embarrassed wearing my spongebob pajamas, with my wild, messy hair all over the place. Besides, I had no feelings for Andrew anymore. ''So.. want to go to the park?'' he asked. ''Nope. I think you'd rather go with Jodie.'' I replied, and slammed the door shut. I felt guilty right away, and watched him from my window, as his face expression changed from confused to sad, and he walked towards his house.

I didn't do much that day. The ugly weather outside made my mood feel the same. I played cards with Marilyn, and my family and I made dinner together. ''Hey, this chicken isn't bad Marilyn. You could be a great cook!'' My dad smiled, while we all ate. And he was right- the chicken Marilyn made by herself (with a little help from my mom) was pretty good. After dinner, I finished up the homework I had from school for tomorrow. I couldn't wait to tell Jamie what happened while she wasn't here, and I wonder what she did at her dad's house as well.

I  went to bed soon, and checked my text messeges one more time . I had a new one from an unknown number , which read, 'what was that for? :/ i thought we were friends kaylee.. well anyway talk to you tmrw at school. add my number on ur phone too, bye. -Andrew' Ugh. I just deleted the messege, put my phone back in its place, and went to bed with Buddy at my side again.

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Chapter 10 Story name unknown; by xwittystoriesx The next morning

7 faves · 2 comments · Jul 28, 2011 11:24am






linabinabae · 1 decade ago
need to know moreeeee
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DeepBrownEyes · 1 decade ago
Please write more! I want to know what happens next!!!
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