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change. chapter 5
 *the next week I headed off to the Hamptons. Once I arrived at her beach house I was surprised to see that she wasn’t with cam. Apparently, they had been together non-stop for what…3 weeks? “ANGIE! Ohmygod you’re here! I missed you so much! You texted me and told me that you needed to tell me something? What is it doll face? Is there a guy? Tell me theres a guy!” “yes, theres a guy,” lexi squealed and I did too. “Andhisnamesmattandhescuteandhesinabandandhehasabsandhehassilkyblondehairandhelikeskidsandhehasabsandohmygodhessoperfectandilookathimandthinkhowdidigetthisluckyandhehasniceabs…did I mention abs?”I talked so fast I was just so excited! “wait, hunny, slow down! So lemme get this straight: theres a guy named matt, who has abs, and blond hair, and he likes kids, and hes perfect to you, and likes you for you, and hes in a band?!..and abs! Wow hun, you lucked out!” I nodded at her every word. And boy was she right, I did luck out! “now enough about matt, tell me about cam, all I know is that you guys went on a date to the movies and what else?”
*”oh..cam” she looked down, and I noticed something on her forehead. It was black and blue. “nothing really about him to say…” she looked as if there was something to say though, something important. “lexi.. what happened to your face…you have a, a bruise, on your forehead. What happened?” she looked at me with sad eyes, sighed. Her mood changed quickly. “oh that…its nothing. I just…” she looked as if she was trying to make up something, “went surfing with cam!” she suddenly burst out. “yeah…I went surfing with cam and I fell and I hit a rock..and yeah, that’s how I got this bruise. ” She looked relieved while getting this out. Then I looked at her, to see if she was lieing, and I noticed a bruise on her arm too, and one on her neck. “lexi,” I spoke slowly “are those from the rocks too?” I looked at her for approval. She hesitated then spoke “yeah, those are from the rocks too. I’m so clumsy!” she smiled, but I could tell it was fake. I could tell something was up. But I did what I do best. I kept it to myself
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change. chapter 5 *the next week I headed off to the Hamptons.

3 faves · Jul 26, 2011 10:37pm






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