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u smile, i smile
Part one
sequel to I'll never let you go

Kaycee's POV:
"Happy birthday, Kaycee!" my parents exclaimed, placing a tray of breakfast on my lap.
"Thanks guys," I said, rubbing my eyes. I bit a piece of toast, sipped some orange juice and jumped up off my bed.
"Get ready for your last day of school," my dad said. He was home, full time and out of the army now. The only person that was missing was Justin. He came back in April after his 3 month tour, then left on another tour the day after he got back. I didn't even get to see him. I don't even know when he's coming back. We've kept up a steady, long distance relationship the best we could. We video chat every morning and 2 times at night. Speaking of which, he should be signing on right now. I opened my laptop and checked to see if he was online. He wasn't. I decided I'd get dressed and let him video call me first. I got dressed in Jean shorts and a white t-shirt with Justin's face on it from one of his concerts. I brushed my hair and checked my laptop again. Still not on. I walked over to my bed and grabbed my purse and threw it over my shoulder. I finished eating my breakfast and checked my laptop one last time. Nothing. I whipped out my phone which had "One New Message" flashing across the screen.
From Bieber<3: hey beautiful. happy birthday :) im not gonna be able to make the video chat this morning, I have something going on. Im sorry :( love you baby. <3
Unbelievable. Of all days, my birthday is the one day I can't see or talk to him before going to school. I didn't answer. I just stuck my phone in my purse and walked downstairs.
"You talk to Justin?" my mom asked. She's walked in my room before in the morning while I was video chatting with him.
"No. He can't," I said, frustrated.
"Aw I'm sorry, honey," she told me. "You have a doctor's appointment at noon. Dad's gonna pick you up from school and take you."
"I get to leave early on my last day!? Yes!" I exclaimed.
"Alright while have fun for the 4 hours you're there," my mom grinned.
"Love you, bye!" I said, hugging her and walking outside. I walked outside and met up with my friend, Bailey, and we walked to the bus stop.
"I remember when I wore a shirt with MY boyfriend's face on it," she joked.
"Want this one?" I asked her.
"Why!?" she asked, shocked. "What happened?!"
"Nothing. That's the problem."
"What do you mean?"
"It's my birthday, right? And you'd expect him to be especially excited to video chat this morning and instead, I get a text that says he couldn't video chat cuz he had something else going on."
"He's Justin Bieber, Kaycee. What do you expect?" she asked.
"You're right. I just, miss him," I told her.
"Well, he's still your boyfriend and I'm sure he misses you too," she said.
"You're right," I replied. The bus pulled up and me and Bailey got on and sat next to all our friends. I couldn't believe how many people had wanted to be my friend since I started dating Justin over 5 months ago.

uh oooooooooh! (:

i <3 you guyz so much (:

Next Quote >

u smile, i smile Part one sequel to I'll never let you go

10 faves · 6 comments · Jul 5, 2011 12:05pm






TwinkleStar1235 · 1 decade ago
Yess! You Did A Sequel! :DD
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xotannerxo · 1 decade ago
im obsessssssssssssed<3333333333333333333
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laxgirl27 · 1 decade ago
keep up the stories(:
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maryRebeccaxo · 1 decade ago
your stories are amazing! keep it up! (:
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laniepage · 1 decade ago
I LOVEE your stories! <3
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laniepage · 1 decade ago
I like it so far (: Keep it up, but 1 suggestion.. could you not do a shadow text? It's kinda hard to read.
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