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Say Hello, To Goodbye
Chapter Six


"I like your home." Nick said, looking around at the small little cabin. The kitchen was small like his, but homey. There were pictures covering the walls of everything you could imagine. Soccer pictures, family pictures, baby pictures, everything. This made Nick wish he had pictures to hang up. His walls were bare.

"Thanks," She smiled, "Take a seat."
Nick sat at the small little table and watched her make the coffee.
"So why are you running so late?" She asked curiously.
"Didn't want to go home. Sometimes its all just overwhelming. Running helps me get away." He was somewhat honest with her.
"I see."
"What were you running so late for?" 
She swallowed hard, "Same reason. Overwhelming sometimes." She poured the coffee into two mugs, "You know Nick," She said while handing him his, "You are a really interesting guy." She took a seat across from him.
"How so?"
"Well, i've ran into you three times and every time I do, It's... interesting. I'm never bored when I'm around you. It's kind of odd." She laughed.
He watchd her laugh, couldn't help but smile. "And you are very complicated Mia."
She laughed louder now and covered her mouth quickly. "I better be quieter. But hows that Nick? How am I complicated?" She patiently waited for an explanation, before being interrupted.
"Mia?" A little voice asked, coming from behind her.
"Yes Mila?" She asked, while picking the small girl up. Her nightgown was pink and her blonde hair was a mess.
"I couldn't sleep." The little girl looked at Nick carefully, deciding whether or not she liked him.
So, he smiled politely at her, making her little cheeks turn bright red. 
"I'll be there in a sec. Get Polly the Pony and grab a book." Mia said with a happy tone.
"No, I want you to make a story up." She begged.
"Fine. Give me a minute." She kissed her on the forehead and they both watched her run to her room.

Nick watched Mia take a big drink of her coffee and sigh. They both sat silent, but it wasn't awkward. The kind of silence that makes you just... think.
"She looks just like you." Nick finally said.
Mia smiled, "She's a little firecracker. When she's not so tired, she will be loud and obnoxious." She laughed. "My dad says I was the same way."
"I'd believe it." Nick laughed. "So..." He trailed. "Whats the other ones name?"
"Well her name is May. She's eight. And she's a little more quiet and shy. She is very independent, keeps most things to herself. She was hit the hardest, I think."
"What happened?" Nick asked, watching Mia think of how to answer.
Finally she said, "It was in a bar fight. My dad just ended up... dying. Crazy huh? He was drunk and so was the other guy. And the other guy is in jail, twenty to life. While my dad is gone. It's crazy when people die. Makes you really think."
Nick nodded. "So what made you get custody of the kids?"
"They are my sisters. I just had to. I had just turned eighteen, so they had no other family to go to. Our mother was sent to rehab after having Mila. They are my world now. I'm like their mom. When you love someone so much, you do whatever you can for them. Those girls will always be number one now."
For the first time, Nick realized the tiredness in her eyes and the black below them. He was seeing the truth. Mia really did make them number one. He saw that she was neglecting herself to make sure they had the best life they could. 

He wondered how she did it. She was only 19 now. How could she give up her whole life to become a mother? It didn't make since. But then again, for her it did. He could just tell Mia was the kind of girl to make everything perfect for everyone else. Even if it would kill her.
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Say Hello, To Goodbye Chapter Six Neglected. "I like your

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