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Favorite Girl
Mellany's POV.
Chapter 9

Justin grabbed for my hand. I wanted this moment to last forever. It wasn't that it was too special, but it was some sign which made this moment even better. We walked into Forever 21. I needed to buy myself something, cause I really didn't bring that much clothing, for this whole vacation, and I thought I'd buy myself some. I didn't really know what to buy, I was looking for something I found interesting.
"Hey, I'm gonna go look around." he said.
"Sure, I'm gonna get whatever I like, and head over to the cash register." I said, and he walked away, wondered what he was going to do. I found a cute shirt, and some cute shorts, along with a pair of jeans. I decided that I didn't want more, since there would be some other time we would be able to go out shopping. I walked over to the cash register, when Justin started walked toward me.
"I found this stuff, I saw it, and I thought you might like them?" he said.
"Yes, I love it!" I looked at them, they were actually something I would wear.
"Good, cause I would've ended up buying it, and making you pay for it." he said with a grin.
I handed over my stuff to the lady who was ringing my stuff up. I could see Justin wanted to pay, but I beat him to it, since I already had my card out.
We walked out of the store, hand in hand, and walked out just to look at all the beautiful views near us.
"JUSTIN!" me and Justin both heard, as we both turned around. A few girls came running up to him with cameras, and pens.
"Hey guys!" he said.
"Can I get a hug?" one girl said.
"Can you please take a picture with me?" another said.
Seeing the faces on these girls after Justin did the best he could of what they asked of him was priceless. I could pretty much imagine me doing the same thing. Going up to Justin and asking him for a signature, and wanting a picture, pretty much everything. I loved the way Justin did this for his fans, he cared for them. He finished doing almost everything for basically all of the girls, and we walked over to the hotel, instead of calling for a ride to bring us there. We continued holding hands, and we got a few pictures taken. I didn't really care we were having fun.
"Hey look! There's a fair going on now!" Justin said.
I saw down the street the whole street was blocked and there was a bunch of rides, and little carnival games it looked like fun.
"Wanna go?" Justin said.
"Sure!" I said. "I don't think I've ever been at a fair before!" I smiled at him, and skipped ahead of him.
"Well then, looks like we'll have to make your first time a time to remember?" he said with a wink.
"Definitely!" I said, and the first thing that caught my eye was a huge Ferris Wheel. I just stood there, and watched it move around and around. Probably the biggest Ferris Wheel I've ever seen. Justin saw me, looking at the Ferris Wheel, he grabbed my hand and brought me up to the Ferris Wheel ticket booth.
"2 tickets, please." he said. The guy handed over the tickets to me and Justin.
"Have fun" the ticket booth guy said with a smile.
"Thanks!" Me and Justin said together.
Justin and I had to wait on line until we could get on the ride, there was only 2 couples ahead of us. It was our turn, and we got into our seats. This was going to take a while since it was HUGE, but we'd talk, and take pictures.
"So, I've had a blast today with you..." Justin said, and smiled.
"Same... I wish this day could last forever." I said.
"Me too." he said. He looked deeply into my eyes. "Look, we're at the top..."
"Oh my gosh, look at that sunset!" I said. It was really beautiful. I rested my head on his shoulder.
"It really is beautiful." He said, as he looked at me. I smiled at him, wishing this moment looking at the sunset could last forever and remain still.

*THANKS for all the FAV!(: So I'm thinking I should get some drama started!? (: Let me know, yes or no? Please comment, and leave me your IDEAS! COMMENT, COMMENT, COMMENT! I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!


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Favorite Girl Mellany's POV. Chapter 9 Justin grabbed for

9 faves · 3 comments · Jun 4, 2011 3:44pm






_Rhi_ · 1 decade ago
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melllllaniax3 · 1 decade ago
thats good, well I just added that they kissed, i like the first idea, even though they will make it serious soon enough! and thanks! :D
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_Rhi_ · 1 decade ago
hm...drama...well, a good drama thing is to have the paparazzi see them together, they get pictures, and it's on the magazine covers that Justin has a girlfriend, which they say is Mellany. so that may be an idea...

or Justin and Mellany can kiss.... ;)
but that really isn't drama...it's just like GOOD TIMES ;D

but either idea, I LOVE THE STORY! :D
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