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Favorite Girl
Mellany's POV.
Chapter 7

As soon as I said good bye to Justin, I went straight to my bedroom to change into my shorts, and a t-shirt. I started feeling hungry, so I fixed myself up a bowl of Lucky Charms. I love that cereal. As I ate my cereal, I turned on the TV to the news. They were showing the regular, the weather, and what was new. As soon as I finished my bowl of cereal, I put that away, and decided to call my parents They were probably wondering what I was doing, and how I was, especially since this would be the first time without them, but they had my younger sister, Krystal. I called my parents, they asked so many questions. "How are you? How was the flight? How's the hotel? What'd you do today? What're you gonna do tomorrow? Is it hot?" I answered all of their questions, and about an hour later the conversation was done. I decided to do one last think before I went to sleep. Check my Twitter. 
Before Justin and I even put that picture up of us, I had barely 100 followers. I checked how many followers I had. I had close to 500,000 followers. I had no words at all. I had a ton of mentions. Some were good, others bad.
"You guys look so cute!" 
"Are you guys going out?" 
"Don't get close to him!"
"Why are you with him!?"  

I didn't know how to reply to any of my mentions at all. I just tweeted one little thing:
"Had a great day! Met @justinbieber on a plane today! (:"
After I did that, I went straight to sleep.
The next morning I woke up, I was so hot. I decided to open the doors in my room that led to the balcony. That brought in a refreshing breeze, especially since the hotel I'm staying at is so close to the beach. I saw I had a text from Justin.
From: Bieber<3
Hey! wanna go sightseeing today? (:
To: Bieber<3
hey! and yeah, sure! what time?
In half an hour I'll be there. k?
To: Bieber<3
sounds good, cya then.
I went straight to the bathroom and took a shower. I decided on straightening my hair today. I wore a cute t-shirt, along with some shorts, and some sandals. I made myself some eggs for breakfast, and ate them up. I was getting my camera from my bedroom when I heard a knock on my door. I walked over to the door, instead. I opened the door, and guess who it was? Justin.
"Hey there." he said.
"Hey, I thought I was gonna meet you outside?" I said.
"Oh yeah, well I came early, so I thought I'd come and walk you down, cause you never know..." he said with a smile.
"Yes, thank you, this hallways can be risky." I said as I laughed, and he laughed along with me. "Lemme just go get my camera, come on in."
He walked into the living room, and I turned on the TV for him, to keep him busy.
I walked into my room, and grabbed my camera. I looked around to see if I need anything else.
"Mellany... I think you should come over here..." Justin said. He seemed concerned. I walked over to where he was standing. He was looking at the TV. I saw what he looking at. It was pictures of us.
"Oops. Looks like they leaked pictures of us..." I said.
"Yeah, I'm not really surprised especially since I saw paps pass by anyways." he said.
"Yeah, but now I'm gonna have to explain this to my mom, and everyone..." I said. "Which obviously, is nothing to be worried about, just I didn't tell her I was with you..."
"Oh yeah, and now I'm gonna get questioned, this ought to be fun." he said.
"If you want we don't have to go today..." I said. I really did want to go with him to go sightseeing, but he seemed stressed out.
"No, no, it's fine!" he said. "I'm actually having fun with you, the most fun I've had in a while..." He said, he looked at me in the eyes. I could tell he meant it, by the look in his eyes. He was sincere. 
"Well I think we should go now, they're probably waiting for us..." he said.
"Yeah, of course." I said, as we walked out together.

*guys, continue favoriting, and please comment, comment, comment! [: THANKS! [: Dont forget to ask me questions on my formspring and follow me on twitter! 
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Favorite Girl Mellany's POV. Chapter 7 As soon as I said

14 faves · May 30, 2011 3:42pm






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