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I miss,
 Being young. When the judges on American Idol were Paula, Simon, and Randy. When more real music was around, instead of so much autotune. I miss Michael Jackson being alive. When my Disney life was still good..
not offense to ANT FARM but they will never compare to Wizards, Suite life, and Hannah Montana.
when the Black Eyed Peas were amazing, not robots.. and so much more


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I miss,  Being young. When the judges on American Idol were

25 faves · 2 comments · May 24, 2011 9:14pm






vivalaNatalie · 1 decade ago
ikkk, i miss lizzie mc too. but i was kinda young then i barely remember that. i know that hannah montana started when i was like a preteen so that's what i basically grew up with and remember the most but i miss lizzie too.
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aquariana · 1 decade ago
And yet you sound super young, still.
I remember the days before American Idol. When MJ was Captain EO. When Disney had Lizzy McGuire, and even before then... And when Black Eyed Peas where things you couldn't get me to eat...
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