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So today I was watching t.v. and "Timothy goes to school" was on.

Timothy: Nora, why arent you coming
to the museum?

Nora: Im-im scared of the dinosaurs

Timothy: Well, if your not going. Im not going either

Nora: No Timothy, you go. You love dinosaurs.

Timothy: Fine but you come with me. It wont be scary, I promise.

Nora: Okay, but only if you promise to hold my hand

Timothy: Ofcourse, and dont worry Nora. I wont let anything happen to you.

^^ Awwwwww^^

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So today I was watching t.v. and "Timothy goes to school"

6 faves · 2 comments · May 19, 2011 5:59pm






LoveKillsSlowly42 · 1 decade ago
Damn, if only all guys were like this..
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silverarrows · 1 decade ago
first Elliot Moose now this
what I'm I going to do with?!
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