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a boy broke up with you.

don't go kill yourself over it. you're young! you could have it so much worse. you could have no friends.
no family. nothing. you could have cancer. you could get in a car accident and be paralyzed for the
rest of your life. you could have abusive parents. you could have had birth defects. you could have
disabilities, causing you to not be able to think correctly. you could have never had the chance to go
out with someone at all. you could be overweight. you could be ugly. you could have depression. you
could actually have a reason to commit suicide. boys, are not that reason. maybe you're reading this,
thinking, i do have abusive parents. or maybe, "i am overweight." so yeah, maybe you have some problems
in your life. but i guarantee that your life could be worse. you could have no life at all. don't take advantage
of what you've been lucky enough to get. treasure it.


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a boy broke up with you. don't go kill yourself over it.

11 faves · 1 comments · May 18, 2011 5:37pm






frenchfryyyyyy · 1 decade ago
my thoughts exactly
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